Welcome to our class page! This is where you will find all information about ELA and Homeroom 6D, as well as school schedules, links to online tools, and more! This site will be updated often. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out.
ELA Supply List
Every day you should come to class with the following items. I am happy to provide these for you if needed!
ELA Journal (a notebook from me or one of your choosing)
A writing utensil (pen or pencil is fine)
ELA Sites to Bookmark
These are some of the websites we will use often in class. I recommend bookmarking them for easy access, but you can always find them here.
Vocab.com Lists
Feel free to do these for practice, for fun, or to practice for our Friday competitions!
Accelerated Reader
How can I log on to Accelerated Reader?
As a reminder: You must take a minimum of three (3) AR tests per marking period. Each counts as an individual assignment grade. If you do four or more tests, I will take your three best grades. You can do as many as you want.
Username: 000####stu (#### = your student ID number)
Password: spartan

Marking Period 1:
Beginning - September 5, 2023
Midpoint - October 6, 2023
Interims - October 13, 2023
Ends - November 8, 2023
Report Cards - November 16, 2023Marking Period 2:
Beginning - November 9, 2023
Midpoint - December 25, 2023
Interims - December 22, 2023
Ends - January 26, 2024
Report Cards - February 1, 2024Marking Period 3:
Beginning - January 27, 2024
Midpoint - March 1, 2024
Interims - March 7, 2024
Ends - April 1, 2024
Report Cards - April 9, 2024Marking Period 4:
Beginning - April 2, 2024
Midpoint - May 8, 2024
Interims - May 17, 2024
Ends - June 11, 2024
Report Cards - June 19, 2024
Follett Destiny: Our Virtual Library Catalogue - Click here!
Username: 000####stu (#### = your student ID number)
Password: your chromebook password
How to Read the Band Schedule
How to Prepare for a Band Lesson

Springfield Township High School GSA strives to create a more accepting school community regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. We offer educational opportunities for the community and provide a safe, non-judgmental space as a support network for LGBTQ+ students and allies who share a vision of social equality.
Upcoming Events:
Tea Time - TBA
Ask a Trans Person Column - TBA
STMS Rock Band
Founded in 2017, the Springfield Township Middle School Rock Band provides a unique opportunity for experienced student musicians to learn to play in a small, independent ensemble setting, practice with and learn from professional musicians, and showcase their talents in rock and roll!
STMS Robotics Club

Hello! My name is Cory Brügger, and I teach 6th grade ELA at Springfield Township Middle School. My whole life I have had a love of literature, theatre, and music, which I bring into my classroom with an interdisciplinary approach. I have Bachelor's degrees in English and Music from Susquehanna University and a Master's in Education from Arcadia University.Outside of teaching, I also run several clubs across the district: Robotics Club and Rock Band Ensemble here at our Middle School and GSA at the high school! I am also a proud member of the STMS faculty band Tears for Mr. Fears.Spartan Block allows me to bring my other passions into my classroom. I offer classes in music history (rock and roll and one on just The Beatles!), the history of video games, knitting, and the philosophy of Star Trek.My teaching philosophy focuses on helping my students to learn who they are and to love themselves. Sixth grade is all about learning to be part of a community! I love being a part of that journey for my students.